Meetings & Events


VDOT attended

VDOT hosted


Event & Location

June 20 & 27, 2024 

July 18 & 25, 2024 

August 15 & 22, 2024 

September 19 & 26, 2024 

Summer 2024 Public Hours


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and its 495 NEXT project partners held drop-in public hours this summer toprovidethe public opportunities to interact with project staff individually to learn more and ask questions about the 495 NEXT project. No appointment was necessary. All sessions had an in-person and virtualoption.

June 12, 2024

McLean Citizens Association Environment, Park & Recreation Committee Meeting


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) attended the McLean Citizens Association Environment, Park & Recreation Committee Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions specifically related to the conceptual revegetation plans. 

Meeting Presentation

May 23 & 30, 2024

Revegetation Public Hours


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), along with project partner, Transurban, and contractor, Lane Construction, held drop-in public hours on May 23 and May 30 to provide information and seek feedback from the public on the 495 NEXT Revegetation Conceptual Plan. Both sessions had an in-person and virtual option.  

April 8 & 11, 2024

Project Update Meetings


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), along with project partner, Transurban, and contractor, Lane Construction, held two public meetings (virtual and in-person option) to provide the latest updates and information related to the I-495 Express Lanes Northern Extension (495 NEXT) project. Both meetings included the same presentation, followed by a question and answer session. Project representatives were present to provide information and answer questions.

Meeting recording

Meeting presentation


Meeting Boards:


Meeting Email Notices:

March 12, 2024

McLean Citizens Association Transportation and Environment, Parks & Recreation Joint Committee Meeting


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) attended the McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions.


Meeting presentation

February 28, 2024

Public Meeting on Traffic Change at Dead Run Drive and Georgetown Pike Intersection in McLean


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) held a public meeting for the local community to learn about a proposed temporary traffic change to help relieve congestion at the Dead Run Drive and Georgetown Pike Intersection in McLean. 

June 21, 2023

Live Oak Drive Community Meeting 


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) held an in-person meeting with the Live Oak Drive community to discuss project design features, noise wall features and voting process, drainage, construction updates, and revegetation.


Meeting Boards

Live Oak Drive Community Update Exhibit

Potential Realignment and Shortening of Noise Barrier C Along Live Oak Drive

May 23, 2023

McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee Meeting


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) attended the McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions.


Meeting Presentation

April 4, 2023

Scott's Run Homeowners Association Meeting


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) attended the Scott's Run Homeowners Association Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions.


Meeting Presentation 

February 28, 2023

Maplewood Homeowners Association Meeting


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) attended the Maplewood Homeowners Association Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions.


Meeting Presentation

February 13, 2023

McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee Meeting 


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) attended the McLean Citizens Association Transportation Committee Meeting to provide an update on the project and answer questions.


Meeting Presentation

June 6 & 7, 2022

Project Update Meetings 


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), along with project partner, Transurban, and contractor, Lane Construction, hosted two project update meetings on June 6 and 7 to provide residents and travelers an overview of project construction and design updates. The meetings included a virtual and in-person option, with a presentation followed by a question and answer session. Project representatives from VDOT and its partners were present at the meetings to answer questions and address comments.


Project Update Meetings Presentation
June 7 Virtual Project Update Meeting - VDOT Live YouTube Channel
VDOT Responses to June 6, 2022 Project Update Meeting Questions
VDOT Responses to June 7, 2022 Virtual Project Update Meeting Questions

May 26, 2022

Live Oak Drive Community Meeting 


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) held a virtual meeting with the Live Oak Drive community to discuss design refinements and updates as part of the 495 NEXT project.


Live Oak Drive Community Meeting Presentation
VDOT Responses to May 26, 2022 Live Oak Drive Meeting Questions

September 29, 2021

Virtual Public Information Meeting
Following receipt of a “Finding of No Significant Impact” from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and National Park Service on its environmental assessment, and an approval from FHWA on its interchange justification report, VDOT held a virtual Public Information Meeting to present the latest updates and information related to the 495 NEXT Project. The meeting included a presentation by the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) with information on its New American Legion Bridge I-270 to I-70 Traffic Relief Plan.


Virtual Public Meeting- VDOT Live YouTube Channel
Meeting presentation
Summary of questions and answers

November 18, 2020

Virtual Public Meeting on I-495 American Legion Bridge Transit Study

VDOT held a virtual Public Information Meeting with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) to present updates on a study of multimodal transportation options to reduce congestion, improve trip reliability and regional connections, and enhance existing and planned multimodal mobility and connectivity on I-495 and the American Legion Bridge. The study was completed jointly by DRPT and the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Transit Administration.


Virtual Public Meeting - VDOT Live YouTube Channel

October 5 and 8, 2020

Location and Design Public Hearing

VDOT presented the Environmental Assessment and draft design plans to extend the 495 Express Lanes by approximately three miles from the Dulles Toll Road interchange to the George Washington Memorial Parkway. A virtual meeting was held on October 5. An in-person, by-appointment-only public hearing was held on October 8. Both meetings included opportunities for public comments.


Virtual Public Hearing - VDOT Live YouTube Channel
In-person Public Hearing - VDOT Live YouTube Channel

September 28 and 30, 2020

Virtual Question and Answer Sessions

VDOT held virtual question-and-answer sessions on Sept. 28 and Sept. 30 in advance of the October 2020 public hearings.

March 12, 2020

Location and Design Public Hearing

This meeting was postponed to October 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A virtual Location and Design Public Hearing was held on October 5 followed by an in-person, by-appointment-only public hearing on October 8.

May 20, 2019

Public Information Meeting #2

VDOT held a public meeting regarding plans to extend the I-495 Express Lanes by approximately three miles from the Dulles Toll Road interchange toward the Maryland line in the vicinity of the American Legion Bridge.
Location: Cooper Middle School, 977 Balls Hill Rd, McLean

June 11, 2018

Public Information Meeting #1

VDOT held a public meeting regarding plans to extend the I-495 Express Lanes by approximately three miles from the Dulles Toll Road interchange toward the Maryland line in the vicinity of the American Legion Bridge.
Location: Cooper Middle School, 977 Balls Hill Rd, McLean

Last updated: October 25, 2024

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